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  • Writer's pictureJena

Under Construction

Photo: Pixabay

I've been thinking about the direction of this blog for a while now- trying to figure out where I want it to go over the next few years. Originally, Gaudy Language was a blog that I started in order to share my poetry and other writing. Later, in this iteration, it became a place for me to rejoice, vent, review current events, and (hopefully) provide a little inspiration for daily life to readers. Over the past few days, I've wondered if I wanted to stick with a sort of digital mishmash of topics or if I wanted to this blog to have a singular focus. And if I wanted a singular focus, what would that focus be? Lamenting the atrocity that is the Trump Administration? Focusing on health/wellness for senior citizens (something that I have begun to feel deeply about since I volunteer for a non-profit where I read and record AARP articles to those who are blind or otherwise unable to read the articles for themselves and since COVID has continued to spread.) Maybe social justice and raising awareness about the inequalities that are going on in our society? (Anyone who knows me knows that this topic is close to my heart.) And so on. But when it came down to it, I realized that my original passion, the art, the writing, the...well, the language (the blog is, of course, still called Gaudy Language) is what I want to shine here. I want this to be a place where not only I get to share my words and my thoughts but where creatives from every medium can share theirs as well. I also want to focus my blog posts to those that impact modern creatives. Now, I can't say I will never ever blog about Trump being an absolute wasteman in office, but I will say that I no longer want that to be one of the things I write about frequently. In this time of turmoil, of disease, of uncertainty, I think it's time for us to shine our inner light.


1.I have created a forum for the site so that we can chat about different topics. Please join me there.

2. I am working on a podcast/Youtube channel with a good friend of mine where we discuss different topics- most of these topics will also be geared toward creatives as well as those interested in entrepreneurship.

3. I'm just all-around trying to make this a better site for you to visit. :-)

Thank you for bearing with me as I continue to develop this site and I hope you enjoy it and share it with those dear to you. (Or hey, with people you don't like, either. That's also fine. ;-) )


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